This Monday I went to Gary Tuerack's Lecture, "Better Grades in Less Time." It was very interactive and informative, and it kept my attention very well. The most interesting thing I did at this lecture was a speed-reading exercise. By the end of the lecture, through the use of this exercise, I was reading 70 more words per minute than at the first trial at the start of the lecture. He showed a few video clips that were both funny and informative of how to do better at school. He shared some tips about eating, including what types of foods are really good and really bad to eat before studying. He also talked about the statistics of how much we forget (ex. People forget 50% of what they hear/ learn in a day.) and what we can do in improve our memories (ex. visual aids increase retention by 40%.) I found this program to be very helpful in teaching how one can really be the best they can be by following some simple rules.
I went to this too- and I use his reading techniques to finish my Ed-Psych readings quicker!
I also went to this and mt readind speed improved greatly.
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