Thursday, October 9, 2008

"High Stakes Community school" role play

I thought this week's lecture was very engaging and educational for me. I have never been to a board meeting so I was looking forward to getting a little insight of what goes on at them. I appreciated Dr. Knick and Dr. Langholz's seriousness in their role playing. This made the board meeting seem more realistic. Part of me thinks it would have been helpful to have learned a little bit more about No Child Left Behind (NCLB) before the role playing lecture. I would have understood the proposal better. On the other (stronger) hand, I think this role played board meeting was an excitng interactive way of learning about NCLB.
I am glad my group got to represtent the people supporting the Fine Arts who did not support the proposal. I personally would not vote for it. Yes, there are positive effects that would likely come out of it such as the school's standardized test grades inccreasing and its student's excelling in math and reading. These are useful subjects to be good at in their after-high school life, but there are many other important things that can be learned through the Fine arts and Extra Curriculars. Students can improve social skills and be inspired to think creatively and think outside the box. If the proposal were modified I might suppoprt it, but as of now there are much more important things to learn during adolescence standardized test material.


bdepperson said...

No Child Left Behind- it's crazy how our opinions can always be changed slightly.

Anna Kenyon said...

It'll be interesting to see what happens with the fine arts as more focus is put on standardized testing.