I found it very difficult to make myself study for the midterm for this class. It was not the content that made it difficult. I found these 5 chpaters interesting and some of it was a repeat of what I learned in General Psych 2 years ago. Also, I am pretty good at memorizing information so it wasn't getting all of the vocab and mulitple choice answers memorized that frustrated me. It was mentally challenging in the way that I kept thinking, "I hope I never test my students like this" and about how ineffective this type of testing can be for students. Yes, there is obviously going to be some memorization (even if it's just basic formulas or concepts,) but students' achievments and improvements shoudl be evaluated in different ways.
As I said earlier, I, myself, am pretty capable of studying for these kinds of tests, but what about people who aren't good at memorizing flash cards and reviewing pages of multiple choice questions muliple times? Should their grade suffer because they are not as good at studying that way? I am looking forward to choosing what type of project/test/report I will do for the final!
As I said earlier, I, myself, am pretty capable of studying for these kinds of tests, but what about people who aren't good at memorizing flash cards and reviewing pages of multiple choice questions muliple times? Should their grade suffer because they are not as good at studying that way? I am looking forward to choosing what type of project/test/report I will do for the final!
I agree. I'm good at memorizing, but is that learning? Also, I liked your comment about students who maybe don't memorize information well. Why should they suffer because they can't spit out memorized information?
Maybe at a younger age, learning these skills (how to memorize basic information) would be useful, but at the point we are at, I think the bigger ideas are more important than the nit-picky facts!
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