Monday, December 1, 2008

Chalk part 2

After watching the 2nd half of Chalk I now see the movie in a slightly different way. During the first half it was very entertaining yet the teachers were placed some tough situations that they weren't handling in the best way possible. As I commented in my last post, I was not impressed with how they handled a situation, but I could not think of how I would handle the issue if I were in that situation. I really appreciated how everything kind of came together in the end. No, things were not perfect for every teacher, but it seems like each of them learned something about themselves. For example I really enjoyed seeing the first year teacher change. He started out with absolutely no control over his classroom and walked out one day when his class was extremely out of control and took his chalk. Then he went to the library to find a book on classroom management. As time went on, He started to loosen up and have some fun with his class. When he became less nervous and rigid his class started to respond. Granted at the very end of the school year he seemed to not really care, letting his class have free time so he didn't have to teach anymore. Besides this ending I think he made the biggest change out of all of the teachers. Following him throughout the movie taught me 2 things: 1) The first year may be tough, but it will continue to get better if you work at it. 2) Although I am very set on being a teacher and don't foresee this happening, if I find out that teaching (or anything else in my life) is not the right fit, it's OK to change your mind.


bdepperson said...

Dr. Darling taught us early on in our "Intro to Music Ed" class- reflection on what we ourselves learned as teachers is as vitally important as anything we teach students.

And you're right- teaching isn't for everyone (and that's OK!)

Anna Kenyon said...

As I stated in my last comment, we need to constantly be evaluating ourselves. By doing this, we can relfect on what we learn throughout the years.