Friday, November 7, 2008

Ed psych topics pertinent to other subjects

I found the topics for class the past week to be absolutely perfect timing. Starting last Wednesday, the concept of creating lesson plans was brought up. This was very helpful as I have not had to write may lesson plans yet. For an independent study project I'm working on this semester I am creating a compilation of French children's songs and correlating lessons that can be used to teach each song to an elementary music class. For the past few weeks I had been trying to come up with precise and easily comprehensible lesson plans, but didn't really know how to accomplish that. Wednesday's class was like a breath of fresh air, gaining the knowledge of what is important to include in a lesson plan.

I was also very excited about our assignment for Monday which was to come prepared to teach something. I initially was thinking of doing something creative like baton twirling but then I realized this could be the perfect opportunity to test out one of my French children's song lessons. I taught two of my peers "Ah, vous dirai-je mamn" and part of the corresponding lesson (as I didn't have time for the whole thing.) It was really great preparation for when I teach it in an actual classroom next week. It was also helpful to get some feedback from my peers.


bdepperson said...

What I find difficult about Ed courses is that a lot of time we learn the theory behind what we're doing, but not much practice on day-to-day skills we'll actually be using in the classroom- lesson plans are going to be very important!

Anna Kenyon said...

I am also glad that we were given a brief introduction to lesson planning. I don't have any lessons to write, but I know there are other ways that I can find this information helpful. I hope all went well with the independant study.